Wildest Journeys

Expeditions - Adventure - Survival




Using back country trails, ancient Royal woodlands and hidden hilltops we’ll meet, walk or wild camp within carefully selected UK locations that sit off the beaten path. A chance to learn essential skills in Expedition planning, Survival, Navigation, Equipment, Cultural understanding and more, as well as being part of this unique group of adventurous outdoor enthusiasts.

Chaz is an experienced Expedition Leader, Mountain Leader and Bushcraft Instructor. Who has over 14 years of remote travel and expedition experience. He has under taken many remote expeditions and most recently walked the 3000 km length of the mighty Zambezi river. His writings have featured in The Adventure Travel Magazine, Geographical Magazine, Another Escape and Africa Travel Magazine. He is an Ambassador for adventure travel company Craghoppers and water filtration system Water-toGo. He thrives at teaching and leading in all aspects of the outdoor world.

If you would like to know more, and you’re interested in attending some of the courses and being a part of this unique group of adventurous individuals, then please find and join Wildest Journeys on meetup.

Wildest Journeys

Wolverhampton, GB
1,057 Explorers

Wildest JourneysUsing back country trails, ancient Royal woodlands and hidden hilltops we’ll meet, walk or wild camp within carefully selected UK locations that sit off the b…

Next Meetup

Expedition, Adventure & Survival Skills Day

Saturday, Feb 10, 2018, 10:00 AM
2 Attending

Check out this Meetup Group →

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  1. https://www.posmn.com/
  2. https://horseswithouthumans.org/
  3. https://mysterynovelist.com/
  4. https://www.alianzademediosalternativos.org/
  5. https://hemophiliasc.org/
  6. https://rebuildingtogether-oaklandcounty.org/
  7. https://www.albertanthonyrealestate.com/
  8. https://www.thewildestjourney.com/
  9. https://www.doumouchtsis.com/
  10. https://www.phocaltherapy.com/
  11. https://liviacstein.com/
  12. https://joharasnakedance.com/
  13. https://www.125timeinharlem.org/
  14. https://savingdowns.org/
  15. https://drpcjaipur.org/
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